The Medieval Academy of America is pleased to announce the 2016 Class of
Fellows and Corresponding Fellows:
Lisa Bitel (Univ. of Southern California)
Theodore Evergates (McDaniel College)
Dorothy Glass (Emerita, Univ. of Buffalo)
Joel Kaye (Barnard College/Columbia Univ.)
Conrad Rudolph (Univ. of California, Riverside)
Alison Stones (Emerita, Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Nicholas Watson (Harvard Univ.)
David d’Avray (University College London)
Alexander Patschovsky (Emeritus, Univ. of Constance)
Susan Rankin (Univ. of Cambridge)
These scholars are being honored for their notable contributions to the
field of Medieval Studies. More information about the Fellows of the
Medieval Academy of America is available here.
New Fellows will be officially inducted during the upcoming Annual
Meeting of the Medieval Academy in Boston. The induction ceremony will take place at
3:45 PM on Saturday, 27 February, in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt
Regency Boston.